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Making a difference together: You can invest in Tomorrow again

Published October 27, 2022

Now it’s official: we are launching another crowdinvesting campaign! Read on to find out when it’s starting, why we are doing it now and what we have come up with to get you even more involved.

The future is built on courage – and that is what drives us, because we don’t just want to change something; we want to revolutionize the finance sector. And we want to do that in line with the strictest ecological and social standards.

This ambitious goal is currently being overshadowed by the many crises that aren’t only shaking up the entire market, but also massively challenging us all as private individuals. But this isn’t the time to hesitate or fall into despair: we want to carry on shaping the future – with people who share our benchmarks and the desire for a fairer tomorrow that is worth living in. 

Round 3 of our crowdinvesting: because YOU are our banking secret! 

These people include the professional investors who want to support positive change with us. And also you, our customers and our community, over 7,000 of whom have already invested a total of more than €11 million in the first two crowdinvesting campaigns. Thank you for having faith in us!

Now we’re starting the third round of our crowdinvesting to give everyone who wants to be involved the opportunity to invest in a better future and help to keep us independent. Because with your participation in Tomorrow’s crowdinvesting, you are supporting us in driving forward our vision and will be part of something that is setting new standards in the finance sector. After all, we see social challenges as our business mission and money as part of the solution.

“Tomorrow resulted from the awareness that the future doesn’t wait. That’s why we are making money part of the solution. Everything we have achieved together since the last crowdinvesting and our recently launched investment product are major milestones on this journey. Because, together with you – and the power of sustainable finances – we want to carry on finding ways to make a difference.” – Michael Schweikart, co-founder of Tomorrow

Next-level participation: A seat at the Tomorrow table

This year, we are taking a new approach to fully involve you, our community, and give you the chance to help shape Tomorrow from the inside: 

The founders of Tomorrow are planning on creating an additional seat for crowdinvestors on the advisory board. This seat will be assigned to a representative chosen by the board. Tomorrow is the first company in Germany to take this step. and it goes far beyond pure symbolic power: Rather than being symbolic, this seat will have controlling, voting and co-determination rights just like the Impact Council.

What will the money be used for?

The sources of revenue that we are building up for Tomorrow consist of our fee-based account models, the addition of further investment products to our product portfolio and the development of added-value services such as our partner programs. 

Following the successful launch of the Tomorrow Better Future Stocks fund, which was also possible thanks to the first two crowdinvesting campaigns, we are continuing to expand our product portfolio. The money raised from the new crowdinvesting will help us to do this.

“Tomorrow represents values that are often hard to find in the finance sector.Sustainability is something that is lived and breathed by the Tomorrow founders – and here at WIWIN, we share this one hundred percent. Tomorrow is the perfect alternative for those who want to know what is really happening with their money and which projects it’s being invested in.” Matthias Willenbacher, founder of WIWIN

What does becoming a crowd investor actually mean? 

Every single one of you can get involved, buy virtual shares and then participate in Tomorrow’s future success. You can come on board with as little as 100 euros! If Tomorrow makes profits, all investors will have a share in them; and the same applies if the company goes public or is sold. 

Also very important: we believe in our success – nevertheless, there is always a certain level of risk associated with crowdinvesting. So you should never invest money that you, worst case, cannot afford to lose.

When will the crowdinvesting campaign begin? In mid-November – but we’ll be keeping you up to date on all our channels. If you’d like to find out more now, click here.